You know, wearing the hats we wear in our lives gives us many opportunities to shift our awareness as we continue on our own path of self growth. Just because in one aspect of our life we are a formal teacher – which takes many forms: parent, doctor, spiritual teacher, school teacher, judge, etc. does not mean that we wear that hat well in all aspects of our lives. We each have something to learn from all of our own reactions and interactions with people.
If we are choosing to isolate ourselves for fear of interpersonal reactions then we have to get over it and step out into life and start living. We can only control our OWN reactions. Even that is sometimes difficult. If we are in reaction we need to stop and look within to see the truth and possibly modify our perceptions so we can be happier in our lives. Of course, only if happiness is important to you. Considering that most of our country has been found to be deficient in Prozac I believe this is a hot point for discussion.
Even if we get sad or dejected if someone tells us we are doing something wrong. Well, be honest, were we doing something wrong, or is it their actions that should be modified. It is our own judgment that causes us the pain, so drop the judgment or change the behavior, whether it’s to someone else or to ourselves. Maybe the person standing in judgment needs to take a deeper look within themself. This requires intense honesty within each of us if we actually want to be alignment with right action, which of course, not all people want to be. I’m writing this for people who want to do good and be better. This is for each of our personal journeys within to be closer to God, and in greater alignment with the path of right action not to create more separation, self violence putting ourselves down, but creating better honesty with ourselves, learning to love ourselves more not from a place of vanity, but from genuine compassion for ourself and others. Whether they acknowledge their own journey to the path of truth or not everyone is on it.
I see many people who forget to take of their hats worn as roles in life and remember they are still growing too. We are on a journey that has no end point. The path absorbs an ever increasing knowledge base that grows its breadth as we learn more. The people who get stuck with their role hats on want always to remain with the larger knowledge base. It doesn’t work, but we can play that game if we choose to. It creates its own dynamics. People tend to lean on them to consistently pull that aspect out of that person for learning. Who is keeping who trapped in that role? It’s an entertaining journey that can be enjoyed if we are willing to take our power and look within to see how WE are contributing to the thoughts, feelings, and interpersonal relationships that are manifested in our lives.
It’s amazing to me that so many times we can teach, or read the truths and yet not be aware of our own actions or reactions mimicking what we need to learn that is clearly coming up for us in the moment. It is interesting for me to see how we so easily look outside of ourselves at others patterns but are so not willing to look at our own. Some of this is ego and some the voice of the fire keeping us from being as bright as we know we can be. Remember, we are created in the divine image, there is only light within, we just have to uncover it.