Sunday, March 3, 2013

Healing and Limitations of Matter

I don’t believe that limitations in states of matter have to exist.  We are programmed for limitations of matter since birth so we believe in this.  Breaking what “science” has told us is valid is challenging in this concrete seeming world we live in. Believing in what we see with our eyes or experience with our five senses is normal and reaching through it for the ability of matter to shift is so illusory an idea to believe in but it’s well worth the journey.  Miracles do happen all the time.  

I read a story which talked about a young boy in India demonstrating illusion to a group of young archeologists touring Asia from the U.S.  They surrounded the East Indian youth as he placed a seed in the ground and before their very eyes a seed sprouted into a sapling and then into a tree and from there an orange came forth.  The Indian youth encouraged the American to go forth and pick the fruit, when he did so the entire illusion disappeared.  

The American who picked the fruit was irritated and vowed to never fall prey to this illusion again.  The Indian boy begged his forgiveness and said that his teacher could really manifest the orange tree in solid matter.  He ran to get his teacher and brought him before the Americans once again.  Again, a seed was placed in the ground and from it a tree sprouted and from it grew an orange right before their very eyes.  Again, an American was urged to pick the fruit, this time the orange was real.  The boy wanted to prove to them that this could be done.  The guru fired his disciple after the demonstration.

Don’t trust what your eyes tell you.  

They are deceiving, but convenient in this world. 

Illusions are what the magicians make us believe are real. 

Besides, if all of us know from our science studies that all electrons are always in motion, then why do we choose to believe that a table is solid?  If you’ve ever bent a spoon or fork with your energy rather than your physical strength you’ve experienced that there is a split second where our believing gives way to truth and the spoon bends. Some people do this through the art of illusion and some people do this with phenomenon. 
There are some martial artists that can push a straw through a solid piece of wood without the straw bending, make paper bust into flames between their hands, or even levitate.  When is it magic versus phenomenon?   

That’s another conversation.

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