Sunday, March 17, 2013

How Thoughts Effect Your Health

Here is an example of someone effecting their health.  I treated this man who came in with severe chronic low back pain.  He was treated every day for an hour.  During this time we discussed his case and how he perceived his world.   Initially he didn’t believe that his chronic low back pain was related to his state of mind in any way.  

We consistently could get his pain to decrease or even go away completely.  Each day it decreased. 

By Friday of the first week,his long term acute low back pain was totally gone and he felt like a new man. 

He saw that over the weekend he got into a fear state thinking “what if it returned?” 

After having this thought, his deep pain once more returned to his low back.  He started to realize that his consciousness played a role in his pain.  Once again we were able to make the pain go that Monday. 

Tuesday he started to see when he was irritated the low back pain started to return.  He came in and we started to work on him.  I could feel the presence of healing energy within the room wanting to help him this day.  This was the day I truly noticed when someone was blocking the receiving of the energy that was present. 

I didn’t say that out loud as I didn’t want to put this in his head.  Instead he started to speak and said, “I think I’m blocking the healing.”  I remember saying “would you like me to help you release that and allow yourself to heal?” 

He said “yes” and we proceeded to remove his block to his own healing.  By the end of this second week he could clearly see his role in his own healing process.  It was an amazing event for both of us.  He learned about his own consciousness playing a role in his health and started to see how his moment to moment state of mind affected his back. 

I learned that even when I feel the presence of that energy which heals people in the room they can block their own reception of it. Apparently, if they choose to they can be assisted in clearing their receptivity to the healing energy. 

Truly each of us are in total control of what happens to us energetically even if it doesn’t seem that way most of the time.  Ha! 

It’s sort of like a divine comedy on us even when it doesn’t seem like good humor. Trust me, it’s an amazing paradoxical journey even for me.

I truly believe and have seen matter shift instantly when the light of love is willingly received and the shift can be accepted by the person who is dealing with a specific issue.

As long as we show up with love and compassion the other person is free to do whatever they need to do to release their impediment to healing, or not.

Sometimes it is a bit of a challenge to identify one’s source of resistance within and let it go with compassion.

What transpires is between each of us and our Source.

It is also an interesting lesson to not be attached to the outcome while showing up wholeheartedly for someone else.

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