Sunday, March 24, 2013

Every Disease Carries its Own Energy Imprint

All disease carries an energy pattern.  I look for what is the underlying energy or thought pattern of the disease is in order to restore health.  If you can find that then you can begin to choose the opposite of it and clear it out of your heart.   

Old patterns may be more difficult to shift.  I use spiritual healing techniques to shift the limiting thought patterns stored as energy in your body.

People are constantly saying that your thoughts attract to you what you dwell on. Most people think this is ridiculous.  I’d like to help the western mind try to understand this. 

Our culture dwells mostly in its mind and I believe this will help the mind understand better so that the heart understanding will be grasped more easily. 

The head truth needs to sink into the heart for us to absolutely own something as a truth. 

Resonant frequencies are the reason why we draw things to us that we dwell on.

The principle is easy, but thank god for my previous life as an electrical engineer or this would have never been grasped by my brain.  Resonant frequencies are frequencies two different items hold which vibrate at the same natural frequency. 

If you have a tuning fork and strike it, and there is a violin sitting on a table near by, the string on the violin which holds the same natural frequency will start to vibrate. No other string will.  It’s amazing.

All things hold a natural resonant frequency.  Light, color, sound, etc.   

Our thoughts and beliefs are also carrying natural frequencies. If you carry the state of fear, you will resonate with others who are fearful or ones that wish to cause fear in you.   

Carry the state of absolute security and you will draw from the world around you experiences which reinforce this. 

Carry this sense of what you want to vibrate with all the way into your heart as a sense of knowingness.   

The frequency of your innermost truth will be radiate out attracting from its vibration what you know to be true (for you.)  That’s why most great faiths teach ‘you reap what you sow.’ 

If someone is continually attracting negative experiences reinforcing that the world is not a safe place, if he or she is addicted to the news of all the emerging anger and violence of humanity toward humanity, then they are in a state of dis-ease.   The underlying thought pattern would most likely be that the world is not a safe place.  

Change the consciousness behind that false belief pattern and change your view of the world. No longer draw to you all the negative reinforcement of this false truth.

Most faiths teach that our Source or God created us out of light, no darkness within, and that there is only good in store for us if we dwell on thoughts of goodness, God, light, and love. 

Reclaim your faith in what is rightfully yours.

Choose to establish a connection with the Divine through which all things are possible.  This Great Energy is intimately abundant in all that it can create.

When you choose to be on the side of God, know there is no opposition to it. All things are beneath It, all things are possible, choose to be with it rather than against it and all opportunities are open to you.

Clean your heart of things which waste your time and energy.  Focus on the good, and you will resonate with that. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

How Thoughts Effect Your Health

Here is an example of someone effecting their health.  I treated this man who came in with severe chronic low back pain.  He was treated every day for an hour.  During this time we discussed his case and how he perceived his world.   Initially he didn’t believe that his chronic low back pain was related to his state of mind in any way.  

We consistently could get his pain to decrease or even go away completely.  Each day it decreased. 

By Friday of the first week,his long term acute low back pain was totally gone and he felt like a new man. 

He saw that over the weekend he got into a fear state thinking “what if it returned?” 

After having this thought, his deep pain once more returned to his low back.  He started to realize that his consciousness played a role in his pain.  Once again we were able to make the pain go that Monday. 

Tuesday he started to see when he was irritated the low back pain started to return.  He came in and we started to work on him.  I could feel the presence of healing energy within the room wanting to help him this day.  This was the day I truly noticed when someone was blocking the receiving of the energy that was present. 

I didn’t say that out loud as I didn’t want to put this in his head.  Instead he started to speak and said, “I think I’m blocking the healing.”  I remember saying “would you like me to help you release that and allow yourself to heal?” 

He said “yes” and we proceeded to remove his block to his own healing.  By the end of this second week he could clearly see his role in his own healing process.  It was an amazing event for both of us.  He learned about his own consciousness playing a role in his health and started to see how his moment to moment state of mind affected his back. 

I learned that even when I feel the presence of that energy which heals people in the room they can block their own reception of it. Apparently, if they choose to they can be assisted in clearing their receptivity to the healing energy. 

Truly each of us are in total control of what happens to us energetically even if it doesn’t seem that way most of the time.  Ha! 

It’s sort of like a divine comedy on us even when it doesn’t seem like good humor. Trust me, it’s an amazing paradoxical journey even for me.

I truly believe and have seen matter shift instantly when the light of love is willingly received and the shift can be accepted by the person who is dealing with a specific issue.

As long as we show up with love and compassion the other person is free to do whatever they need to do to release their impediment to healing, or not.

Sometimes it is a bit of a challenge to identify one’s source of resistance within and let it go with compassion.

What transpires is between each of us and our Source.

It is also an interesting lesson to not be attached to the outcome while showing up wholeheartedly for someone else.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Removal of Energetic Conflicts Necessary for Healing

It has been documented that if you pray over red blood cells stacked in a rouleaux formation they have been shown to change back to healthy unstacked red blood cells.  Of course, the person who is praying probably has to have some state of knowing what the power of prayer is capable of doing.  Praying without the sense that it will be fulfilled doesn’t hold the same power as when praying with the certainty that the prayer has already been answered - knowing that the answer to the question was formed even before the question was asked.

It doesn’t matter what the cause is of a state of imbalance in the body’s physical matter. There are apparently no limitations of matter unless we want to believe there are, so all things are malleable.That which created us is limitless.  Have faith in the Infinite Intelligence that runs through every cell in your body that it had the ability to create you as well as define how the body heals.  All things are possible.

This is how I see disease at whatever level you define that word.  

All illness, or at least 98% of it, starts with a subconscious or conscious negative impression of some sort.  It is our emotional reaction to an occurrence in our universe (day to day experiences that we draw conclusions about by the second), based solely on each of our individual perceptions of reality, that creates a block within our energy field resulting eventually in a physical impairment at a cellular level.  It’s sort of like stepping on a garden hose. 

When that occurs the entire stream of water can no longer flow easily to the garden and the flowers wilt and in long term deprivation die.  Our body is a conductor of flowing  energy in a healthy state, constriction of tissue decreases the ability for the energy to flow completely through each cell.

Take your foot off the hose releasing the water flow once more is like changing the perception of your reality so you no longer perceive the need for resistance, or contraction of tissue at a possibly subconscious level.  No resistance allows harmony with the creative Source which flows through you imbibing every cell in your body with a force that’s basic principle moves it ever onward toward life. 

Basically speaking, we go into some sort of perception causing a reaction within ourselves.  Our perception which is an energetic contraction most likely starts in our physical heart.  The heart having 60% the same neurons as our brain imprints upon the brain, a physically documentable target lesion (as seen on computed-tomography (CT) scans  and looks like concentric rings) within our brain. 

This lesion is imprinted upon our central nervous system affecting the whole of our body.  The downstream tissue relating to the specific neurological region of the brain that the target lesion affected is then impaired energetically causing some sort of disease state, ulceration or augmentation of tissue.  Basically abnormal tissue development occurs resulting from a stress response. [i]

That disease state can be reversed by finding the source of the conflict within our own selves and releasing this, just like taking one’s foot off of the garden hose.  The conflict resolution restores the basic essence of our life force to all tissues reinstating the aim of our energy toward life (rather than death). 

Removal of the conflict may occur through assistance of a variety of modalities, in any one of these  the second that this conflict is released all things begin to change.  This does not mean that we should not support our physical bodies during the healing process. It’s definitely important.

[i] German New Medicine (GNM) scientifically documents this physical process.  I’m not saying what I do is GNM, but I believe Dr. Hamer proved what I intuitively felt was happening when I experienced an emotional stressor.  I could see releasing the stressor allowed energy to flow once again in the tissues of my body relieving pain syndromes, numbness, dizziness, etc.  Hamer scientifically proves the neurological impairment caused by our perceived reality. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Healing and Limitations of Matter

I don’t believe that limitations in states of matter have to exist.  We are programmed for limitations of matter since birth so we believe in this.  Breaking what “science” has told us is valid is challenging in this concrete seeming world we live in. Believing in what we see with our eyes or experience with our five senses is normal and reaching through it for the ability of matter to shift is so illusory an idea to believe in but it’s well worth the journey.  Miracles do happen all the time.  

I read a story which talked about a young boy in India demonstrating illusion to a group of young archeologists touring Asia from the U.S.  They surrounded the East Indian youth as he placed a seed in the ground and before their very eyes a seed sprouted into a sapling and then into a tree and from there an orange came forth.  The Indian youth encouraged the American to go forth and pick the fruit, when he did so the entire illusion disappeared.  

The American who picked the fruit was irritated and vowed to never fall prey to this illusion again.  The Indian boy begged his forgiveness and said that his teacher could really manifest the orange tree in solid matter.  He ran to get his teacher and brought him before the Americans once again.  Again, a seed was placed in the ground and from it a tree sprouted and from it grew an orange right before their very eyes.  Again, an American was urged to pick the fruit, this time the orange was real.  The boy wanted to prove to them that this could be done.  The guru fired his disciple after the demonstration.

Don’t trust what your eyes tell you.  

They are deceiving, but convenient in this world. 

Illusions are what the magicians make us believe are real. 

Besides, if all of us know from our science studies that all electrons are always in motion, then why do we choose to believe that a table is solid?  If you’ve ever bent a spoon or fork with your energy rather than your physical strength you’ve experienced that there is a split second where our believing gives way to truth and the spoon bends. Some people do this through the art of illusion and some people do this with phenomenon. 
There are some martial artists that can push a straw through a solid piece of wood without the straw bending, make paper bust into flames between their hands, or even levitate.  When is it magic versus phenomenon?   

That’s another conversation.