Saturday, May 25, 2013

Changing Your Consciousness from Resistance to Peace- Stop the Pain, Enjoy Your Life!

When there are pain syndromes in the body, mind or spirit, there is a physical state of contraction and restriction.  

One way to change that resistance, a thought creating contraction in the body resulting in the pain, is to change the thought.  

Not always an easy practice, but doable.  Let’s work on how to release that contraction.    

Sometimes the pain is there to make us aware we are holding constriction and contraction in our body.  Why are you doing this?  

The pain makes you aware of the constriction.  Thank it, be grateful it came to your awareness, now you know you were constricted, let it go. 

Use your mind this week to deliberately choose the gratefulness of being.  If you created your current state with your current focus, you know you can modify your focus which will in turn change your state.     

As you choose to be in a state of gratefulness there becomes no possible way for your mind to choose bitterness, sadness, despair, or disdain.  You emotionally cannot be in a state of gratefulness and feel unhappy or unloving.

Allow yourself to control your mind, not allowing it to control your state of being.  Deliberately choose to not multitask with your mind.  

Choose to consciously become grateful of each and every experience you have, even the ones that irritate you.  All of your experiences are there for a reason, making you aware of something, be grateful.  BE grateful this entire week.  

Commence you week by journaling about your current state of awareness and at the end of the week journal about the difference you feel within yourself.  If doing a week seems daunting, start with just one day or even the next 10 minutes.  

Notice how your sense of well being changes from before to after completing the gratefulness workout.

Begin in this moment to be grateful for everything you can think of.  What you perceive as bad as well as good.  Thankful that you were born, thankful that you could take another breath, thankful that you can look out of your eyes and see the beautiful world around you or great photographs on the net.  

Be thankful that you can hear the sound of your breath if you listen closely enough and that you can feel the temperature of the air change as you inhale and exhale through your nostrils.  

Become so conscious of being grateful that it overshadows all reactions.  This will create a beautiful sense of being within yourself today which will spread to all of those around you.  

If you speak, only share from that point of gratefulness.  There will be no room for the negative thoughts if you constantly refocus on how much you do have and how grateful you are that you can use your mind to redirect your consciousness to all the wonders that are with you in every waking moment.

If you mind is focused on not feeling thankful for something then change it and practice being thankful for that.  Take whatever you are in resistance to and change it to embrace it.  

Put a positive spin on all your resistance to everything you can think of for the entire day.  See how you feel at the end of the day, recap within your mind how you felt earlier and then what changed by day’s end. 

If you think you don’t have enough money, be totally thankful for all of the money you do have.  Look for what you can to be thankful for, and feel the emotion of thankfulness, it’s empowering.  

Were you able to write a check and have enough money to cover it today?  Give thanks, as much as you can possibly feel to all the money that IS in your life. This attracts abundance.  Feel the joy in that.

If you are irritated with your spouse, change your mind to be thankful for the fact you have a person in your life that loved you enough to marry you.   

Look at all of the special things they do for you; be thankful for every one of those.  This emotion will change your vibration toward that person and they will feel it. 

If you are still a young person living at home and resenting your parents for curtailing your behavior, be grateful for living, for having a place to live in and for someone who cares enough to help redirect you.  

You can change your attitude toward  anyone and this will in turn change their attitude toward you. 

Watch the magic unfold in whatever relationship you are choosing to become grateful for.  

Enjoy the journey of refocusing your consciousness. 

Dr. Samantha Joseph
(316) 685-1581


  1. Thank you for this. I particularly like the idea of journaling and chronicalling things that I'm grateful for. I appreciate the post!

    1. Thanks Jenn, let me know how it works for you and what you see change.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph
