Saturday, May 11, 2013

Forgiveness: A Path to Cultivating Peace, Health, and Harmony

Forgiveness is “the ability to let go of bitterness and resentment.”  

 These qualities of bitterness and resentment are not conducive to cultivating peace, happiness, health and harmony within.   

You cannot maintain health, if lurking within yourself is any aspect of bitterness or resentment toward yourself or others.  

This consciousness of resentment is a gift.  It is pointing the way toward the action you must take to liberate your own heart from the burdens it is carrying.     

You can lie to others, but not to your own heart.  If it is true your heart imprints your DNA, you do not want your entire physical structure and energy pattern embodying resentment and bitterness.  

Remember, the bible teaches, “so a man thinketh in his heart so is he.”  Release this pattern, it is not serving you.   

If you cannot do it today, ask that you may get there soon, and approach the issue again each day as many times as you desire to set yourself free from negativity.   

The sooner you address it the sooner you embody more peace. 

Any thought within you that creates disharmony is a key to something you need to work on within yourself.  The ability to forgive what is going on within you will lead you to a deeper place of self acceptance.  

As this occurs you will more easily be able to forgive others in their disharmonious ways.  You will maintain peace better in all situations.   

Your disharmony is yours and your responsibility is to dismantle or reshape the thought which is creating it.

Mahatma Gandhi once said “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”  Wouldn’t you like to have people look upon you and think how strong in character you are? 

You should really know for yourself how strong you are and this is one way to find out. 

People sometimes say.  I can forgive, but I cannot forget.  Henry Ward Beecher said this “is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. 

Forgiveness ought to be like a canceled note -- torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one.”  You can reach into your heart and forgive, no one can do it for you and it only hurts you if you don’t. 

The other person gets on with their life while you are still carrying the bitterness within yourself which poisons your own blood and weighs heavily upon your soul. Not a good plan.

The more you reach within yourself to understand and forgive you learn to love yourself deeper.  You are being triggered by your own demons which are usually projected onto others allowing you to see your lack of self confidence, fear that you are what you are seeing, etc.  

You are able to forgive to the extent that you love and accept your poor qualities and your good qualities.  In either case the poor or good are only the judgments you place upon yourself. 

As you practice the art of forgiveness toward yourself and others, you will allow you to feel peace and become more relaxed.  
François de La Rochefoucauld said “we pardon to the extent that we love.”  It’s true, take a look at it within you. 

Oscar Wilde said “always forgive your enemies -- nothing annoys them so much.”  I would not suggest aiming at annoying another for your own liberation from disharmony, but you have to keep laughing.  

I quoted Wilde as you need to keep your sense of humor in this process, it’s ironically funny once we walk through it and realize it was such a waste of time and energy.  Yet it reaps great benefit for yourself and others.

Disharmony, resentment, or bitterness pushes you away from others and yourself.  This resistance keeps the goodness and abundance which radiates out from your Source at bay and it cannot flow; therefore, peace cannot preside within you.

Know it is possible to attain peace and harmony within yourself.  

If you need help or assistance in dismantling your old false beliefs keeping you trapped in a reoccurring pattern that no longer serves you, contact me for assistance.  
Dr. Samantha Joseph
ph:  (316) 685-1581


  1. WOW! This is a great post. This is so very important. Thank you for this.



    1. Kathy, thank you for your kind words. I loved writing this blog.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph

  2. awesome post, its true the heart never lies and you can't fool it, more people should listen to their inner voice...

    1. Pixiewillow46, absolutely! It's my path to help people connect better with their own inner voice. It's a path of healing, wonderment, and joy.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph

  3. I can forgive in some cases, and I can forgive and forget in other cases....unfortunately there are also times where I will not forget, because I need to remember not to put myself in that situation again, and if I forget I run the risk of that happening, and that must never happen again

    1. Katrina, I'm so sorry you feel the need to hang onto your negative memories. Maybe if you let it go, it will really never happen again, maybe it's actually the hanging onto to the memory that keeps it replaying. I would choose to erase it. In either case, you need to love you right where you are at and keep moving forward on your path.

      The more you reach within yourself to understand, forgive, and forget, the more you learn to love yourself deeper.

      This is only one way to find health, happiness, and joy. I hope you find what works for you. My experience shows me this way.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph
