Saturday, May 18, 2013

Self Love, Healing Issues with Food and Weight

The self love process creates healings, but it requires you to be in touch with yourself and feel your current feelings.  

 Feelings are something that tend to be judged negatively in our western culture.  

With sayings like no pain, no gain, or just push through.  These do not create a healthy self awareness or sense of self-respect and love.  

 Those sayings are sometimes a fix, but temporary if you can’t face what’s behind your current issue. 

Your issues will continue to get triggered by various events if you do not face the thoughts you’ve imprinted as truths within yourself and decide to change them.  

Your judgment and false beliefs do not go anywhere if you do not become aware and choose to change them or just let them go.  You are not horrid if you just can’t choose a different feeling, or just push through the current one.   

Love yourself through your process of becoming aware.

The more you love and accept yourself just the way you are, the less you will be inclined to put food in your body that no longer serves your health and well-being.   

The less you will desire to eat for emotional reasons, over eat or eat the wrong foods.  You then satisfy your own needs through self love, choosing to nurture your body with healthy choices. 

Look at ALL your judgments of yourself, maybe make a list.  Is there a main theme or belief you carry that manifests self-judgement in all of the ways you’ve listed? 

List the opposite thought across the list for each item.  Focus on those.  

 Know that the negative thoughts can be shifted. Choose to let go of the false beliefs and free yourself.  You can work through them.  Start with the main theme.

Find what works within the parameters of your own beliefs – allopathic or alternative.   

I'm not okay with just masking symptoms, I want real lasting change.  It is possible I see it all the time and you may need to initially mask symptoms, but it is not a long term solution. 

I suggest to you to read my blog on EFT and Ho’oponopono to work through the false beliefs you’re holding onto about self-image, self-acceptance and food.  

  1. Work through each one tapping in the positive, not traditional EFT.  
  2. Ho'oponopono what comes into your awareness as you tap through your list.  

If you can pinpoint the core belief work there first and change that.  It’s the fastest way.
If you would like assistance in this process I can help you pinpoint the core belief and teach you how to apply some of the tools I speak of to shift yourself into healing.

I work with people helping heal a variety of issues by applying similar techniques.  I help them feel what it's like to remove the blocks and feel the difference in their health and well being.  It’s easier to start by feeling what the shift is like so you can pattern for that and repeat the process.   It's an amazing journey.

Dr. Samantha Joseph
(316) 685-1581

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