Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Go Outside and Enjoy Your Planet - It Improves Your Health

Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you put your feet on the earth or just being in nature you feel better?

When I was younger and didn't feel my best I noticed that if I would go lay outside on the earth I would feel better.   

Now I know the science to support what I could feel occur within me. 

If you don’t actually sense the difference here’s some science supporting what I know and can feel, or what you may have already taken note of within yourself. 

In 1954 a scientist named Schumann discovered a frequency which travels around the earth and called in the Schumann frequency, 7.83Hz.  Later on a physician named Dr. Ankermueller made the correlation between the Schumann resonance and brainwaves of the alpha state, believing the earth had the same natural resonance as the human brain.  

König became Schumann’s successor at Munich University and determined the main frequency produced by the Schumann oscillations correlates closely to the frequency of alpha rhythms. 

There are 4 brainwave states: beta, alpha, theta, and delta.  Each brainwave state correlates to a specific frequency spectrum.  Your brain changes its frequency when going from an alert fully conscious beta state down to alpha, theta, and onto the delta deep sleep state.   

Alpha state is when the body enters into a light sleep/meditative state and its frequencies are from 7-14 Hz.  I’m sure you are aware of some of the benefits of meditation – relaxation, rest, peace, improved circulation , improved immunity, improved digestion, etc.  

This alpha state is induced when you connect yourself with the earth.

Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Erling-Andechs, did a study which showed when volunteer students were removed from the earth’s natural magnetic fields (this Schumann resonance) and placed in a hermetically sealed environment for 4 weeks they suffered sleep disturbances, emotional duress along with migraines.   

After being exposed to the 7.8Hz frequency for a short period of time, their health once again stabilized. 

These similar symptoms were experienced by our first astronauts and Russian cosmonauts after being in space, also removed from earth’s Schumann frequency.   

Schumann frequency generators are now said to be part of the space programs.

The point is, if you don’t feel well or are just not quite right within yourself get outside.  

Sunshine on the body is important and so is placing your feet on the earth.  

There are studies showing that the energy flow of your body is changed significantly by connecting yourself with the earth.  

Do not insulate yourself from the earth, take your shoes off and place your feet directly on the earth, or lay on a natural fiber blanket under a tree outside.   

Natural fibers are conductive while synthetics insulate you and the point is to connect with the earth.  This will assist your body in returning to an alpha state which plays a vital role in maintaining your health and well being.

Go enjoy your planet, it’s a beautiful place. 

For more information on the effects of sunshine on your body, see my blog post on Sunlight’s Role in Your Health

Dr. Samantha Joseph


  1. I love this post! It's interesting and informative without being dry. I look forward to more of your insights.

    1. Thanks Sheri for the comment. I know it's sort of a dense subject, but interesting.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph
