Friday, April 26, 2013

Avoidance Mechanisms, Your Disease, and Transforming It

Each disease has it’s own energetic imprint allowing it to take hold.   

These consciousness states behind each disease are similar with their pattern reflecting what is bothering you whether at a conscious or subconscious level.   

 Releasing these patterns changes your life for the better influencing your physical body in miraculous ways.    

If you are unconsciously holding onto negative thoughts about yourself, know it is absolutely possible to free yourself from them.  The manifesting results in your life are a reflection of these thoughts.   

Whether it be physical, spiritual, or emotional issues they are manifesting and they are changeable.  Each block is identifiable through spiritual healing techniques.

Whether it be:  you are craving for the sweetness of life and so blood sugar issues arise, you can’t stop saying bad things about another and have bad teeth, you feel not safe in your body or resent it and so you gain weight, or you don’t want to look within and be alone with your own thoughts so you lose your hearing,  I suggest you look at your individual avoidance mechanism before it manifests disease.   

These ideas go on and on.  You are the only thinker in your head; you can clear old false beliefs.  I can teach you how to remove an old pattern so that your entire being will change, symptoms can go away.

You can learn the techniques I use and adapt them to how you need to process your issues, whether it be physical or emotional.  I have the ability to feel people’s energy patterns within their body when I am in a state of compassion and they allow me to help them. 

If you are unaware of your false beliefs I can assist you in becoming aware of them.  I am able to use my innate gifts as a healer to help you recognize the beliefs and remove them from you through what may be called a directed prayer state.   

Once learned, you can process your own false beliefs.  

All the talking in the world cannot extricate a false belief, but you can start to feel yourself shift as patterns are cleared with the use of the spiritual healing techniques I apply.  

 Once you feel what it’s like to let something go and the energy shift occurs, you can duplicate that feeling in other parts of your life and healing.   

This is like learning to feel what an alpha state is, to feel what it’s like to really meditate.  I can verbally explain it, but until you experience it the true understanding is not there. 


Click on the above testimonial if you can't read it, it will open another window.  

Dr. Samantha Joseph
 ph: (316) 685-1598


  1. Good post and thanks for sharing. Stopping in from UBC!

  2. Thank you for these wise words. So true, we need to look deep within to create lasting change. And yes, manifesting in our lives is a reflection of this. It's not always easy to acknowledge that!!!

    1. Yes Rachel, even though I know and practice this daily, it is still challenging. Ha! I believe we all need assistance on our journey at some point in facing our demons so they become vanishing wisps of smoke. Keep on practicing, I think it gets easier.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph

  3. Samantha, This is powerful stuff. I especially liked the part where you talked about possible results on the body based on a person's thoughts.

    1. Thanks Anonymous, I think it's fascinating how we affect ourselves, but don't want to always look at it until it manifests in ways that get our attention. Thanks for realizing those were "possible results" on the body, not necessarily the same for everyone. I've found most diseases do have some sort of similarities.

      Thanks for commenting.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph

      Dr. Samantha Joseph

  4. It is so true that deep-rooted feelings and ill-will can absolutely manifest into a much larger problem if it isn't dealt with. Facing these issues is so important!

    1. It is so important Jen. Thanks for seeing that within your own life. It's important in order to maintain your own sense of well being and peace within your heart so that it reflects in your day and interactions with others.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph
