Saturday, April 27, 2013

Joy is Contagious

Joy is contagious.

Have you ever noticed that?   

Are you aware that you are effected by another's joy or negative moods?

Previously I've written about when you put a smile on your face it affects your entire body’s chemical makeup causing a positive endorphin cascade resulting in mood enhancement, overall improved sense of well being, positive immune response, etc.  

That same blog stated that you can experience the emotion of joy which will also have the positive effects of that chemical cascade.  Either the emotion or the physical smile drives the positive response within your body. 

Color, light and sound also affect you as they are all frequencies within your world.   
Here are some additional facts about energy or frequency.  

When multiple pendulum clocks, which are all hanging on one wall, are in motion, they will eventually start to resonate and entrain to one another’s frequency.  All of the pendulums on the clocks will eventually start to swing at the same time.  

It is a known occurrence that when you strike a tuning fork that the string of the violin which corresponds to that frequency will start to vibrate, no others.   

If you have multiple women in a single household, eventually all of them will start to cycle at the same time. 

How are you affected by everyone around you? 

Can you hold strong to a positive state and allow others to resonate into your frequency, or do you always resonate to where they are? 

You may as well become conscious of this and start to practice seeing how long you can hold a positive state in your household when others are being irritable.  

It’s a fun experiment on yourself.  

Practice holding your own positive state in a wise way while still having respect and compassion for those around you, but do maintain your internal joy.

Own your happy space today.  

See if you can hold your state of joy and affect those around you allowing them to harmonize with your positive mood.  

Practice makes perfect, now where have we heard that before?  Ha!   

Enjoy your journey.  

Dr. Samantha Joseph


  1. Good information and thanks for sharing! I try to adopt this and will practice to do so more often! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you Vanessa. The more we practice the better we get. I need my reminders to. :-)

      Dr. Samantha Joseph

  2. This is a wonderful reminder. Thank you. And that silly dog photo on your timeline says it all.

    Resonance... yes. And the body chemistry of a smile. Just last weekend I was at a workshop where one of the presenters talked about body language and had us try to figure out a problem when we were in a posture of struggle. It was a struggle!!!

    Thanks for the great reminder of how important it is to spread joy!

    1. Rachel, so happy you enjoyed the reminder. And hopefully that silly dog photo. May as well start the joy with yourself, and if not get reminded anywhere you can.

      Have a great day!

      Dr. Samantha Joseph
