Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Little About Prayer - Use it to Make a Change in Your World

Prayer was one of the 7 ways I listed to make a change in your world and re-focus your thoughts to something new.   

Since it’s Sunday and we live in the West most Westerners observe this day as a day of worship in their faith.   

How apropos that we would discuss a little about prayer today.  It’s amazing how our lives are orchestrated to fall into the Divine plan.

Prayer is not a state of begging, or making you look bad, or putting yourself down.   

Prayer should be a place of celebration of what is, noting what you would like to change within yourself, noting what you would like to better, asking forgiveness, forgiving yourself,  and then asking help in reshaping the thoughts you want to change into their potential for greatness. 

Enjoy your faith, taking pride (not arrogant pride, but the healthy aspect of doing your best and loving you in that) in what you do to celebrate it.  That would be a healthy sense of respecting yourself and what you do. 

Have respect for all things, everyone is doing the best they can.  Give thanks for where you are at, it’s a beautiful mystery, find it’s beauty in all that you see and give thanks for each moment of this.  You will raise your vibration. 

So, if you are adverse to the word prayer or God you need to clear it.  It’s a great place to start on your path of healing, clear whatever it is within yourself that chooses separation.  

Remember you deserve all the support you can get, you may as well start with the Spring from which all good things flow.  Return to building a relationship there.

Have a wonderful Sunday in whatever way you choose to celebrate another day of living.  

If you need help in clearing some resistance you can't breakthrough within yourself feel free to contact me 


  1. Dr. Samantha,

    Great post. I love your way of looking at prayer as a way to improve your life and in my opinion, help improve all lives.

    I think most people see prayer as just asking for things.

    It is so much more. It is transformative. Prayers of gratitude, for instance, are hugely transforming.



    1. Thanks Kathy for the insightful comments. It's absolutely a transformational tool. I think most people were taught that its a time to ask for things, but here's to re-education and the art of transforming ourselves and creating a better world for us all.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph

  2. I love the way you describe prayer. We often only think of prayer in that state of need, begging is a good word. Praying for thankfulness and with gratitude will raise your vibration and state of being. It truly changes your attitude when you focus on that. Thank you for the reminder, Dr. Samantha.

  3. A great post! Just this last Thursday I experienced the loss of a child and was amazed at the outpouring of people who offered prayers. It was an amazing feeling to have everyone praying for our families!

    Now we are asking for peoples prayers that a post-houmus adoption of the child be allowed so the foster parents can at least have their wishes respected for Marley's funeral and burial arrangements. If anyone would like to help

    1. Becky, I'm so very sorry for your loss. My prayers are also with you and I hope you continue to feel that support from those around you. I will pray that the highest and best interests of all those concerned will be fulfilled.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph

    2. Becky, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May you find peace and serenity as you navigate through this.
      Deb Dutilh

  4. This is a beautiful post and reminder that our prayers can really take any form and be at any time. I find it very soothing and am always surprised when they are answered so quickly, especially from my parking angels, who always find me a parking space exactly where I need one! Often it's the little requests that mean so much.

    1. Deb, thanks for reading the post and contributing a comment. Aren't those parking angels great?!

      Thorough prayer and belief all things are possible.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph

  5. Great post. Always thought provoking! Becky, I'm so sorry to hear about your lost. I'll be sure to say a prayer for you and yours today.

    1. Carlana, thanks for the comments and also the added blessings for Becky.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph
