Friday, April 5, 2013

Frequency and Energy Medicine

I just joined the ultimate blog challenge midstream and decided to cover some concepts behind energy medicine regarding the effects of frequency.  I want to cover some facts about frequency as all matter, whether it be solid, liquid, or gas is made up of molecules and atoms which are inherently in motion.  As we remember from our high school studies all molecules are in motion.

We may not see the motion, but ultimately we know that all electrons, photons, and neutrons are moving around in matter.    A table may appear to be solid, yet we know the molecules within it are in motion.   

The only difference between a solid, liquid and gas are how close together those molecules are.  Solidity is a very strong visual illusion.

If things are vibrating they are carrying a frequency.  We know that every visible light wave has a different frequency; each sound has a different frequency as well.  Now we know matter, sound and light all have their signature frequencies.   

Even though we may not recognize a specific color within our visible light spectrum, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, and that the frequency is spinning around us.  Even though we do not consciously acknowledge an audible sound does not mean that the sound was not made.  

 This being as it is we realize we are bombarded by frequencies all day long whether we consciously recognize them or not.  Each frequency has its own affects on our body, mind and spirit.

Science is now starting to prove what people have innately known.  The color of light pink has a sedating effect on our nervous system and is now being used in mental institutions, prisons, and detention centers to calm people down.   

The color red has a stimulating affect on our nervous system.  That is why bull fighters have used it for decades to stimulate a bull into action, where the color gold was used to calm it down.  What’s amazing is the bull is affected by the color even when it is color blind.  

 Henceforth, we subconsciously respond to the effects of the frequency of color on our entire system whether we consciously recognize it or not. 

The frequency of sound has been shown to have stimulating or sedating effects as well.  Mozart has been shown to help students learn material quicker when played in the background while studying.  

It has been shown that the power of sound may be used to affect the state of brain waves making it easier for us to go into a meditative alpha state quicker.  Using this idea we could more quickly achieve the alpha state of meditation when we have a noisy mind by making use of specific music compilations.

Frequencies affect us whether we want to admit it or not.  At a cellular level, we are affected by everything in our universe whether we consciously recognize it or not.   

Using all of these items to our advantage, we can affect our state of health and well being.  I work with energy in the realm of healing as it has the ability to manipulate matter.  This is one aspect of what I do as a healer. 

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