Thursday, April 18, 2013

What Do You Choose to Perceive? Are You Feeling Judged?

Are you feeling judged?  Are you angry about this? Are you sure it’s others judging you, or is it really you judging yourself? 

Look deeper, it’s most likely that you are angry as you are judging yourself. Those same issues coming up in your world are a reflection of how you judge yourself and you are projecting your anger onto another.   

Either way, it hurts you. Get rid of the anger, aim for peace, and seek forgiveness from yourself.

Our perception of a conflict, our anger at a colleague, friend, parent, etc., creates internal constriction of tissue resulting in decreased energy flow within the body resulting in some disease state - upset stomach, headache, fuzzy thinking, body ache, exhaustion, etc. 

If this conflict is released, the energy can flow again, the constrictions within you goes away, and these seemingly physical manifestations disappear.  It’s never about the other person, it’s really about you.  What do you choose to perceive for yourself?  

I worked with someone who was vehemently mad at their father and wanted to be very aggressive with him, set harsh boundaries, and cast him out of their life.  During a session she could see that she was so angry with him as he mimicked her own lack of support for herself in a specific way.  

When we worked on that it helped decrease the anger and led us on to other issues until peace was achieved.  At the end of the session she could come back to a place of love for her father and then approach him with kindness and compassion.   

The body’s energy was restored, the vitality returned and the healing commenced.  Nausea was gone.
Another patient was aggravated feeling outcast or put down by their colleagues.  They came in with shoulder pain they had seen a physical therapist about for weeks.  After the first session their shoulder pain was decreased and they could raise their arm again.  

Three sessions, of addressing the internal conflicts she perceived in her world, the shoulder pain went away and she felt much lighter. The outcast feeling was showing her that she had her own issues with women in a place of power in her field.   

She also wasn’t clear as to how she wanted to hold her power in her field.  As she came more into a place of peace within herself, not placing her problems outside of herself on others, she reclaimed her power.  Feeling secure in who she was, a new job opportunity availed itself.  

Always look at what’s behind the judgement you believe others are placing on you.  You will see it’s probably a subtle belief you have of yourself. Possibly not their judgement at all, but it’s what you are feeling.  As you shift your perceptions, clearing your own judgements of yourself,  you will not see the outer world mimicking your deepest fears.  

Look at your conflicts or what thoughts are causing you to loose sleep.  It’s all within yourself to observe a different perspective.  Could it be the outer is a reflection of how you feel about yourself?  Reclaiming your ability to love yourself deeper by accepting you had judgements of yourself is very important. Release the power your judgement had over yourself, and the weight of that judgment lifts it will transform into a better, more loving, acceptance of yourself.  

What it really transforms is your life.  You will stop projecting the judgement of yourself  falsely onto others and it frees you up to love yourself better and accept others more easily for who they are.

Turn and face your shadow, it frees you up.  Fear is then dissipated.  Use some of the techniques I've discussed in other blogs to assist you in clearing your issues.  If you cannot pinpoint the issue behind your disease, whatever it may be, please feel free to make an appointment with me and use Spiritual Healing to assist you in your journey to health and well being.   It can be an incredible journey if you allow it to be. 

Dr. Samantha Joseph

If you are having difficulties in any of these areas or have physical ailments that you would like to improve or remove, please contact me for assistance.


  1. I do have a great deal of conflict in my life, but I've learned over the years not to let other's opinions affect me. This, however, is a lesson my husband is still working on, and I'm bookmarking this post so he can read it later!

  2. Good job Gwynne! Nice to not be affected. Keep up the good work.

    Dr. Samantha Joseph

  3. I think we all feel judged at times. It's when that feeling of being judged begins to take over everything you do that it becomes unhealthy.

    Often I think people are judging me because of my weight. Let's face it - it's a harsh truth that people DO judge over-wieght people. BUT, so often I see that it's myself who is doing the judging. "Oh, they're talking aobut me becaue I'm overweight". It's a difficult one to overcome. I try to remember that there are people in my life who love me despite of my weight. They don't even place the weight into picture.

    I was just in a class where we worked through Brene Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfection. We talked in great depth about how we get into that hole of how others perceive us - and how we perceive ourselves. How I preceived myself, as it turns out, is so much different from how others see me.

    Loving ourselves is so hard to do... don't you think? It's a tough one for me.

    Eydie :)

    1. Eydie, I think it's challenging at times, but it's really all of our own judgements. The more we sincerely look toward loving ourselves completely the easier it gets. If there is a place where you are stuck, try to clear it. Reference my other blogs for help.

  4. Loved your post, and to see that there are doctors who treat the entire person. Yes, the body is the outward expression of the conflicted thoughts and feelings we have. You can't heal one without the other, otherwise the problem will just arise in another way, or get worse!
    I also observe how the body is literal- when you say "I can't stomach that person" that's where you pop your symptoms!
    The path of healing, as you said: forgiveness- to others, but especially to yourself!

    1. I absolutley believe the same with regard to the body being an outward manifestation of what is bothering us. "Your Word is Your Wand" was not a joke.

      Happy you're out the doing the work as well.

      Dr. Samantha Joseph

    2. I'll do that, Dr. Samantha. :)
