Saturday, April 6, 2013

Positive Thoughts Create a Happier Body

Yesterday I wrote about frequency regarding how all things in our world have an effect on us.  

Since I work with people who have issues in their life they want to change I thought I would write about the power of frequency in changing how we feel.  

Thoughts definitely carry their own energy imprint in a specific frequency.  Yesterday I wrote about sound, and color carrying frequencies that affect us.  Well, your thoughts play a huge role in how you perceive the world around you.  These thoughts create your reality. 


Positive thoughts create a chemical response in the body causing endorphins to be released into our system which cause us to feel good.  Your brain registers this and has a happy response to the positive endorphin cascade.  Candice Pert wrote about this in her book Molecules Of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine.   


As with a positive response, there is also an effect to thinking in terms of doom and gloom.  These types of thoughts create what I would label negative emotions and create negative endorphin cascade making us feel less than happy.   You get the idea.


Positive endorphin cascades can also be triggered by putting a smile on your face.  This expression of a smile automatically releases happy causing chemicals within your body.  Malcolm Gladwell wrote about this in Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. 


You can drive a positive endorphin cascade from either thinking a happy thought or putting a different expression on your face.  How wonderful is that?  Your enjoyment and reaction to the world around you can be tailored to be what you want it to be.  To wake up every day and know that you are in control of your vision of the world around you and your reactions to it, isn’t that empowering?


If you are in a gloomy space within yourself, watch a funny movie, or just put a smile on your face.  This will actually cause “feel good” hormones to be released into your body which will have an uplifting effect on your entire being. 


When you’re sick, your immune system is compromised and your body is in an acidic state.  Refocusing your mind to the positive will cause a positive endorphin cascade and help you to feel better. I am sure there is science somewhere backing that it also shifts your pH to a more alkaline state.  


Try to put a smile on your face if you can.  This smile will subconsciously affect the chemical makeup of your body which will enhance your overall sense of well being.  If you do this for 21days straight, it then becomes a habit and your brain will be more addicted to the positive endorphins and you will be more consistently able to reach that state of being.


  1. That's interesting how just putting a smile on your face can change your entire outlook. I'm going to have to try that!

  2. I guess it's like 'think happy, be happy'. Your thoughts affect your mood. Thanks for sharing, I will have to practice this more often.

  3. Kathy,

    Thank you for the supportive comment.

    Dr. Samantha Joseph

  4. Katie,

    Please do give it a try!

    The smile will actually give you an enhanced overall sense of well being.

    You make the conscious choice of what your outlook is from there.

    Please let me know how it works for you.

    Dr. Samantha Joseph

  5. Very good, Carlana! Please do!

    I really do want to know how it goes, so come back and share.

    Dr. Samantha Joseph

  6. Have you ever heard of laughter yoga? I have several friends who swear by it... love the way it helps them feel better no matter what is going on in their lives.

    I am also a Malcolm Gladwell fan - I am so glad I came by from the Ultimate Blog Challenge - your wisdom shines through your words!

  7. I often am so focused on my emotions that I forget that my thoughts have power as well. I will work on putting a smile on my face. My kids might think Im batty when I smile at them with a big cheesy grin but I bet they end up laughing lol
